After Addiction Treatment is Rehab Aftercare
While rehab is often the first step and a vital component of a drug and alcohol treatment program, Rehab Aftercare also is a vital part of making recovery successful. Such aftercare programs teach relapse prevention and recovery tools. Rehab Aftercare has been proven to be a highly effective aid in assisting alcoholics and addicts to stay sober.
What is Rehab Aftercare?
Rehab Aftercare follows initial rehabilitation treatment and can include 12-Step programs, counseling, group support, sober living protocols, and one-on-one, as well as group counseling. First Step to Recovery of Houston, TX, customizes aftercare to each patient’s needs, based on the depth, causes, and other factors of their addiction.
Aftercare for drug and alcohol treatment boosts the likelihood that an individual will stay on a sober path. It is designed for each individual and teaches them how to handle the challenges of living in an environment without the substance. These include life skills such as confidence building, job success, healthy living, time management, relationship boundaries, and other support training assists recovering individuals in thriving in a healthy, supportive environment. Aftercare support staff and peers help patients to remain determined in keeping true to themselves and their sobriety.
The Perils of Going through Rehab without Aftercare
The transition from rehab to home can be extremely difficult and that is why Rehab Aftercare is vital. Rehab Aftercare can help a recovering alcoholic or addict build a solid foundation in their recovery. Studies show anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of those who undergo a recovery program will relapse, with most happening within the first three months. Those who do not undergo and comply with an aftercare program are unable to experience the reinforcement of follow-up care.
People are most at risk of relapse in the first few months after rehab. Especially the first few weeks can be particularly risky as the individual is still transitioning between the two. Once people focus on building a long term recovery plan it reduces the risk of relapse. The risk of relapse declines but it never goes away.
Selecting the Right Rehab Aftercare Program for You
Recovery requires hard work on the individual’s part. Maximize your potential with a successful Rehab Aftercare program. Let First Step to Recovery of Houston help you choose the right rehab aftercare program specifically for you to face this next step in your recovery. With proper support, you can achieve the success you deserve to live a great life. We can customize a follow-up program that will work the best for your particular situation, so you can keep on your recovery journey, avoid relapse, and reach the life you ultimately want to live. First Step to Recovery will match rehab aftercare and treatment options to your personalized rehab aftercare program to help you achieve your recovery goals.
Guiding Your Recovery with Follow-up Rehab Care
Our mission at First Step To Recovery is to provide you with the fundamentals for your successful recovery journey and help your transition to a healthy, sober, and fulfilling life. Laying the proper groundwork for a sober way of life requires an individualized recovery plan with Rehab Aftercare. We guide our clients from the start of their recovery journey to build a solid framework for a new way of life. We assist our clients in living a life free of substance abuse—one in which many who abuse drugs and alcohol may think is impossible.
Find out more about the follow-up Rehab Aftercare programs offered by First Step to Recovery and how they can help make your recovery a success!
To get started you can email us here or Call 713-462-3900